Coaches’ look forward


Local high school coaches share their New Year’s resolutions heading into 2024.

  • Happy New Year Resolutions
    Happy New Year Resolutions

The New Years holiday is viewed as a sort of “reset” button for those looking to better themselves with the start of a new calendar year (see phrase, “new year, new me”), and with 2023 winding down, people all over the world will be committing to various New Year’s resolutions for 2024.


Establishing a New Year’s resolution is a widely popular tradition that dates back to the early 17th century. In fact, the earliest known instance goes back over 4,000 years to the ancient Babylonians.


Fast forward to today, where I asked some of our Edmond high school coaches about their personal goals for the new year heading into 2024.


Memorial softball Kayla Carlsward says “Everyone gets on a health kick at the beginning of the year and I have been attempting to journey through one the past couple of months. My goal is to become more consistent with that but also dedicating some time to my crafting that I really enjoy doing in my spare time!”


Edmond Santa Fe volleyball coach Drew McCarty aims to sharpen his mind in 2024. “My New Year's resolution is to read more books!”


Edmond North girls basketball coach Pete Papahronis keeps his focus on his team going into the new year. “We never stop trying to improve on everything we do. I think we try to improve on the development of our players' skill level as well as their character which in turn improves us as a team.”


Much like coach Carlsward, my New Year’s resolution will involve me putting an emphasis on my health heading into the new year, starting with eating healthier and exercising more (we’ll see how long that lasts).


Here’s to the new year and to saying goodbye to 2023. From all of us at The Edmond Way: Happy 2024!


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