Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma begin cookie booth sales

  • Girls Scouts Booth Emerge. Photo Submitted.
    Girls Scouts Booth Emerge. Photo Submitted.

Girl Scout Cookies are coming to a location near you, as booth sales for the annual tasty treats officially begin Feb. 16

Locally, girls will be honing their communication and entrepreneurial skills as they sell cookies at locations throughout central and western Oklahoma. Consumers can support their local troops by visiting a nearby booth through March 24.

The opening of local booths coincides with the National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend, Feb. 16-18, when consumers are encouraged to invest in girl leaders and help them “Unbox the Future.” 


New this year is a Cookie Booth inside Penn Square Mall in Oklahoma City. Customers can find the booth on the first floor around the primary rotunda in the center of the mall; it opens Feb. 9. Customers who visit the booth will periodically find girls dressed in professional attire for the jobs they desire later in life, highlighting the importance Girl Scouts can play in helping them attain their dreams.


“Oklahoma weather can be unpredictable. This indoor cookie booth at Penn Square Mall gives girls the opportunity to promote their business to a variety of customers in a controlled environment not subject to mother natures’ whims,” said Kathy Thompson, Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma senior manager of product program and retail. 


Girl Scouts build important entrepreneurial skills through cookie booth sales including how to interact with customers, take orders and handle customers’ various forms of payment, invaluable lessons that set them up for success during the cookie season and beyond.


All proceeds from the cookie program stay with local councils and troops creating opportunities for them to enjoy outdoor activities, science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) opportunities and community service projects. Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma is recognized as one of the top councils nationwide for the amount of cookie proceeds reinvested in local troops.


About Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma
Located in 39 Oklahoma counties in the central, southwest and northwest region of the state, Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. Through leadership-building programs, GSWESTOK offers girls pathways to explore their interests - including STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math), healthy lifestyles and activities like the High Adventure Team and summer camps, and community service projects through the Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. 

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