Edmond student named HOSA state president


Maira Arshad to lead Oklahoma chapter of health care students

  • Maira Arshad Edmond High School Student named HOSA state president
    Maira Arshad Edmond High School Student named HOSA state president

EDMOND, OKLA. Nov. 28, 2023 - Edmond high school student Maira Arshad has been named president of the statewide chapter of an organization for future health professionals.

Arshad is president of Oklahoma Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) for the 2023-24 academic year. She is a senior at Edmond North High School and attends the Biosciences and Medicine Academy at Francis Tuttle Technology Center.

“It surrounds you with like-minded people who are ready to learn and grow,” Arshad said about HOSA. “You also get people who are more than happy to help you, especially in the Oklahoma chapter. It really is like one big family.”

As president, Arshad said she wants to challenge the notion that the Oklahoma chapter of HOSA is only participating to make up the numbers. She said the chapter is full of students who are professional about their time and want to use the organization as a chance to grow.

“I think a lot of people in HOSA see the Oklahoma chapter as just being happy to be there,” she said. “It is changing. I don’t think they realized just how involved we all are. Everyone is starting to look at Oklahoma as a professional state chapter. I want to continue that.”

HOSA is one of several organizations that connect Oklahoma CareerTech students to their respective industries. Competitions are held every year at the regional, state, and national level, and Arshad has twice won first place at the state level.

The Biosciences and Medicine Academy is a Francis Tuttle program open to high school sophomores, juniors and seniors. Students who attend the academy take advanced placement classes and prepare for college where they intend to study medicine and related fields.

Arshad said she plans to study clinical psychology and one day start a non-profit that provides mental health services to children.


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