Deer Creek Board of Education approves new hiring

  • Deer Creek Schools Board of Education
    Deer Creek Schools Board of Education

The Deer Creek Board of Education Monday night approved the hiring of an Assistant Superintendent of Supervision and Instruction, and Executive Director of Curriculum.

Superintendent Jason Perez recommended Kristy VanDorn as the Assistant Superintendent of Supervision and Instruction. She currently serves as the Executive Director of Schools.

“Kristy Van Dorn has served Deer Creek as the executive director of schools overseeing the administration of all our school sites as well as curriculum areas of the district,” Perez said. “She's done a stellar job in both areas and as we continue to grow, the importance of both of these areas in regards to the education of our students is invaluable at full confidence in Ms. VanDorn's continued leadership and I would like to recommend her for the role of assistant superintendent of supervision and instruction.”

The school board approved the hiring of Mark Phillips as the new Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction.

“We started this process looking back for this position in early February, and we would like to recommend Mark Phillips as the Executive director at Curriculum and Instruction,” said Assistant Superintendent Lenis DeRieux. “He has served as a principal and assistant principal for seven years. He's also taught elementary and middle school math. He has served as an interventionist for address students and as an instructional and PLC coach for Oklahoma City and Edmond Public Schools. His vision for the future in helping us to achieve our goals in curriculum and instruction, and we look forward to what lies ahead and his strategic leadership.”

In his Superintendent’s report, Perez recognized the school district’s Teacher of the Year Nikki Gilbert from Deer Creek Middle School.

“She'll be a great representative at Deer Creek at the state level,” he said. “Each of our site teachers of the year represent the phenomenal educators that make up our district.”

Perez also recognized Deer Creek students and staff for another successful fundraiser week. The money went to Not Your Average Joe Coffee, which employs those with various disabilities.

“A huge congratulations goes out to our students and staff at Deer Creek High School and Deer Creek Middle School, who worked so hard during the wonderful week of fundraising to raise over $152,000 for Not Your Average Joe,” he said.


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